Quiet The Chaos
“For she knows it is here, in this unexpected place, He will calm her mind and give her peace.”
SCRIPTURE: Luke 5:16
VERSE FOR TODAY: Yet Jesus himself frequently withdrew to the wilderness and prayed.
We all deal with a lot of chaos in our lives, we live a million miles a minute. We try to be everything to everybody and eventually we get frustrated. We feel like we don’t have time for God, no time to pray, read, or listen to worship music but then we do have time for other things. We still made it to that sale. We still saw that new episode on TV. Yes, our lives are chaotic but if we want to quiet that chaos we have to make the choices necessary to do so. The only way to quiet the chaos is through spending time with God. There may still be chaos all around you but God can give you peace inside of you. God showed me that I have to take the time to turn off everything else and put on worship music so that I can make an atmosphere that allows praise and worship to enter my home, whether that be while I’m driving to work in the morning, folding laundry, cooking dinner, or laying down to go to sleep at night. If we can find time to do all the other things then we can find time for Him.
Even Jesus took the time to get away from the chaos. Although all the things Jesus was doing were good he still found it more necessary to pull away and take time to talk to His father as a time of refreshing. “Yet Jesus himself frequently withdrew to the wilderness and prayed.” -Luke 5:16
All of the chaos we live with will keep us up at night. It will leave us worrying and thinking of ways that we can solve our problems. Instead of staying up until 1 AM worrying over things in your mind, go to the Lord, and ask him how can I change this. God is the only one that can handle it.
Prayer Thoughts: Dear Lord I ask that you would quiet the chaos of those struggling and give them peace to make it through each day. Lead them and show them how to spend that time with you. Bring answers to their questions and healing to their minds. Draw us close to give us the peace and joy that we need to get us through each day.
Drawing near and turning my focus on Jesus moment x moment being aware of HIS prescence and love
Yes, it's so easy to get caught up in "life".