Baby Steps (Barbara Trent)
Let the babes take baby steps and patiently guide them to Maturity.
SCRIPTURE: 1 Peter 2:1-6
As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: -1 Peter 2:2 (KJV)
I was walking into Target and a woman had held to a little girl around three or no more than four years of age. The Mother was yelling at the child to come on the child's feet were moving as fast as she could, but not to the satisfaction of the mother, I wanted to yell at the mother she was only a baby she could only take baby steps.
Sometimes we fail to remember what it was like to be a babe in Christ, and we get frustrated with babes making mistakes, we expect them to walk like mature adults We forget we were once in darkness, now that were in the light it wasn't like we instantly jumped from infancy to maturity, but Instant salvation and gradual growth in grace.
Let the babes take baby steps and patiently guide them to Maturity.
PRAYER THOUGHTS: Lord I thank you for being patient with
me, for helping me grow in your word and grace, help me
be as patient with others as you were with me. In your precious
Name I pray. Amen