By: Barbara Trent
SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 49: 14-17
Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet will I not forget thee.
-Isaiah 49:15 (ESV)
My daughter and I were in a baby store, and a mother with two girls was yelling at the youngest one. "Get up... you hear me?" She was very loud, and the child, who looked to be two years of age, apparently didn't move when her mother told her to. The mother slapped the child so hard that she hit her little stomach against the counter. The child let out a painful scream jumping up and down in place. My daughter looked at the mother; the mother was enraged, saying, " Mind your own business, this is my child"! My heart went out to the little child living with a frustrated parent. I pray for that mother because there was no sign of remorse on her face. At the time, I wanted to throttle her. I thought about that scene for a couple of days. It really disturbed me until the Lord reminded me that there were times I had to ask forgiveness for disciplining my children in my frustration. No, I would never slap a child like that.
If that mother isn't a Christian, she has nothing to hold onto. No foundation to build her life upon. I pray the Lord will send someone in her path to share the love of Christ.
It's hard raising children in this stressful world. But, without Christ, it is a constant downhill battle and a blessing when you can seek guidance from the Master who created man in His image.
Prayer thoughts: Lord, I know what it feels like when your children get on your last nerve and when I come to you for wisdom, you showed me how to turn my frustration into joy, creativity, patience, and love. Put your arms around children that are being abused by their parents, and lead these parents to a saving knowledge of you. In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen