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Writer's pictureBj Pons

I’m Not Celebrating Thanksgiving—I Just Want To Hide (Fara Reid)

You must continually shift your mind toward Jesus.

SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 26:3

VERSE FOR TODAY: “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

    “I don't want to celebrate, I just want to hide away somewhere!” Those are words spoken to me from a friend facing divorce. Recently shocked by her husbands infidelity, she voiced that she was not in the mood to celebrate Thanksgiving. I know she does not stand alone in this mind set. Many of you have lost loved ones, a relationship, a job, your health and you feel like my friend. So what do you do to reset the mind, the will and your emotions? You must choose to shift your thought life.

    Jesus said, " I Will keep You in Perfect Peace, AS YOU keep YOUR MIND STAYED on me." You must continually shift your mind toward Jesus. When the grief overwhelms, you can follow this example of shifting;  "I miss her so much, but I thank you Lord for the times we had together." "She's gone but I thank you for people in my life to help comfort me." "Jesus, I can't make it without you. Thank you for strength, your grace and your love." "I don't understand why but I do know you are good and you know the reasons. Thanks for the strength to endure."


Sometimes the pain is so bad, all you can do is moan. That's ok, while you are moaning, in your heart you can still tell God that you need him, you trust him and are totally depending on him. As you turn your mind toward him, his promise to you is, "I will keep you in perfect peace, AS YOU keep YOUR MIND STAYED on me."  Running away or hiding away is an option but you should know that your problems will follow you where you go.  God's Peace works the same way, it goes where you go.

Prayer Thoughts:

I pray your Thanksgiving will be filled with Gods Peace.



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